A Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader : an ambassador, graceful, powerful, beautiful, a role model. To me the DCC are not just cheerleaders they are the most amazing group of women I know. In today's post im going to be talking about a DCC who I feel is all of these words DCC Madeline. Madeline is a third year veteran for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and is also a former member of the Notre Dame Pop Squad. In previous posts ove mentioned girls who I feel are underrated and Madeline is definitely one, whenever I watch the DCC dance many peoples eyes draw to one specific girl or stick to the center but whenever I see Madeline all I can say is WOW. I was so surprised she didnt make it her first year but I was so happy when she made the team in 2018. When I was first introduced to Madeline all i thought was man that girl has it all, so pretty and such an amazing dancer ! In today's society a comeback story is often the best and with Madeline and many other girls it's proof that dr